The chief architect of Vladivostok revealed details
The chief architect of Vladivostok revealed details of the work on the creation of the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky. As already wrote "B", a sculpture of the poet and the artist will be available soon at the Theater Square. And everyone who loves the art of Vysotsky, can sit down and listen to his songs. - Work on the sculpture began a few years ago - the main architect of Vladivostok Anatoly Melnik. - We looked at dozens of sites Wysocki in different cities of the country. His sketches offered many sculptors, there were many talented and deserving works. But it seemed none of them captures the essence of the character of the poet. And this year, the vision presented Vladivostok master Peter Chegodaev. And all at once said, one hundred percent hit in the image. Anatoly Melnik convinced monuments need all the cities, and Vladivostok as well. And the art - objects have to be very different - as monumental compositions related to the most important historic events that preserve the memory of great men, and the light, sometimes with humor urban sculpture. All this is the spirit of the city, the historical and cultural value.
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