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The doctor - a drug addict in Primorye sentenced to 10 months hard labor

The court in Primorsky Krai issued a guilty verdict against former therapist receiving and Discharge department of the city hospital in Dalnegorsk.

The doctor - a drug addict in Primorye sentenced to 10 months hard labor

Doctor-addict convicted almost a year of correctional labor

For six months he made false information on official documents, recipes in order to obtain narcotic drugs for personal use.

Therapist junkie designed the forms to individuals who seek medical help and did not seek to obtain such drugs are not needed. Recipes of it realized in pharmacies.

The court found the defendant guilty of forgery and sentenced him to 10 months in a correctional labor with the state revenue 10% of salary - SC SC reports on the littoral.

The doctor - a drug addict in Primorye sentenced to 10 months hard labor

Опубликовано:   16-07-2013, 21:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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