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The purpose of a set of measures is the prevention of

The purpose of a set of measures is the prevention of The purpose of a set of measures is the prevention of the spread of the facts and the future of drug use among soldiers and sailors. During the action specialists UFSKN Russia for the Primorye Territory had 69 recruits from coastal preventive measures, which reached more than 3000 recruits. Recruits learn about the nuances of criminal and administrative responsibility for the crimes and offenses in the sphere of drug trafficking, the devastating impact of drugs on the body, the restrictions on admission to employment of persons found engaged in drug use. Events were accompanied by documentary films that are better than any words illustrate how quickly addict drops out of society and loses all the most precious thing he has, including his own health, friends, family and loved ones. Along the way, the staff of the Office of Drug Control Service of Russia Primorsky Krai told recruits and the work of drug control authorities, in particular, that any resident of Primorye may report the facts known to him of drug trafficking helpline, and wrestlers with drugs take appropriate action. Over the past few years, the results of the medical examination of recruits, in the Primorsky Krai has been a gradual decline in the number of identified cases of drug abuse among young men called up for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These guys revealed no more than 0.3% of all recruits. The second phase of the campaign "conscript" starts with the beginning of autumn autumn draft.

Опубликовано:   16-07-2013, 16:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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