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Melco company is ready to invest in the entertainment zone "Primorye"

The Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky met with representatives of Melco International Development. It belongs to the gambling tycoon Lawrence Ho of Macau.

Melco company is ready to invest in the entertainment zone "Primorye"

Gambling in Primorye Asian businessmen will develop

During the meeting, both sides noted that remained happy with the progress of the interaction and the regional administration.

Head of Maritime confirmed that the administration of the province is prepared to provide support to investors.
"We are ready to assist, in particular, to develop and engineering infrastructure within the integrated resort," - he stressed.

In turn, representatives of Melco confirmed their readiness to implement an investment project on the territory of Primorye.

Following the talks, the parties stated their commitment to complete the discussion of all the procedures and conclude the preliminary investment agreement in the Far East Investment Congress, which will take place on Vladivostok September 6-7.

Representatives of Melco during the meeting said that they loved Vladivostok, its new, modern infrastructure and a pleasant maritime climate.

Previously holding Summit Ascent Holdings Ltd - one of the leading companies participating in the global entertainment market, today announced that it is ready to act as an investor in the construction of a complex integrated resort "Primorye". The owner of the company, as well as company Melco, also a Lawrence Ho.

Integrated entertainment zone "Primorje" will enter the tourism cluster in the region. In the future, the cluster will attract every year to 10-12 million tourists. Interest in Asian companies to the entertainment area due to its convenient location. In particular, the Chinese Harbin to Vladivostok, only 1.5 hours of flight, and from Beijing - 2.5 hours, while the path of the Chinese capital to Macau takes almost 4 hours.

Area entertainment area in the Bay of Formic is 620 hectares. It is assumed that the project will be implemented in three phases. The first completed in 2016 the second - in 2019 the last - in 2022.
Negotiations with investors expressing interest in investing in the entertainment zone "Primorje", took place during the APEC summit. Later, in mid-June this year, the head of the region held a series of meetings with representatives of the gambling industry in Macau - VestiRegion.ru reported the press service of the Governor of the Primorsky Territory.

Melco company is ready to invest in the entertainment zone "Primorye"

Опубликовано:   16-07-2013, 15:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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