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Recently the news came from across the ocean, that the infamous

Recently the news came from across the ocean, that the infamous Recently the news came from across the ocean, that the infamous list will be expanded - there will be new figures of the number of Russian officials, whom will not be permitted to visit the United States. Why and in connection with what is announced new sequestration - not specified. To judge from our Vladivostok is far difficult, but nevertheless By now, lines are not related to the bureaucratic caste and, therefore, should not be afraid of the ban on the entry. If you are willing and of course, if resources permit, then why not step onto the pleasant land - at least as a tourist? Perhaps in the future, and use the convenient opportunity. In the meantime, does not burn. And not because they do not want. May never know, and I'm already in the list - it is something not made public! Magnitsky case - is, as it were, to speak more precisely, something mysterious and difficult to explain, much like an iceberg is hidden under the water. Equally unclear and increased interest exhibited by the ocean. Why, precisely, only Magnitsky? We've plenty of other examples, far more explicit and obvious. For example, the case of Far Eastern businesswoman Trifinova, which is the same as the Magnitsky, and equally not clarify the circumstances died in a Moscow slammer. But through it no protests, petitions and lists - why would such selectivity? Interest in the Magnitsky case, say the ocean, well-intentioned: to assist Russia in eliminating negative phenomena. At the same time consistently stressed that the action with a list directed solely against officials who violate the law, the rest Russians have nothing to worry about. As I see it, the initiators of the list are wrong or pretend that they are mistaken, belief that the majority of Russians perceive the Magnitsky case also negative, as in the United States. On the contrary - are much calmer, philosophically, they say, there are better things to do. Knowledgeable people say that Magnitsky list - it's a convenient excuse to create a precedent, then, when get used to "tag" will begin and the others You would think that a travel ban on - what's this - that is, without which the Russians are by no means manage. Yes, many of us are not averse to make contacts with the United States - a joint business, cultural and educational ties, and, of course, to go as a tourist destination. But if it does not - well then, grieve? We lived without the New World - and will live again. If only in our internal affairs not fit. I assure you, comrades (ugh, zaraportovalsya!), Yankee gentlemen, that all this is so, and not otherwise. And therefore turns on and changes in the Magnitsky list. I would be honored!

Vladimir Konoplitsky, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   16-07-2013, 09:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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