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This was said in Yakutsk, the participants of the "round

This was said in Yakutsk, the participants of the "round This was said in Yakutsk, the participants of the "round table" - the human resources managers and chairmen of boards of veterans of internal affairs of the Far East. In the "round table" was attended by Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Chairman of the Russian Council of Veterans and MIA MIA Colonel General Ivan Shilov, Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on DFO Police Major General Eugene Kuzhel, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia) Police Major General Viktor Koshelev. The Ministry of Internal Affairs raised the requirements for compliance with law and discipline in the police. To this end, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a comprehensive program. It includes a system of austerity measures aimed at curbing corruption and wrongdoing on the part of police officers. It's a deliberate work that aims to change the ideology of forming the style and content of not just one particular police officer, and the system as a whole. By and large, it is a fact that the system itself has started to displace from the numbers of offenders and criminals. For them it is necessary to act tough, fundamentally, is inevitable. This is already happening in the territorial divisions. The participants of the "round table" discussed the preventive and educational measures to prevent violations of law and discipline in the police, except in cases of concealment of crimes and accidents among staff. Particular attention was paid to the issues of prevention of road accidents involving personnel of the territorial bodies of internal affairs, and corruption offenses. During the exchange of views, the participants of the event noted that in everyday preventive and educational work is necessary to fully utilize the full range of organizational, psychological, propaganda and educational and socio-cultural character. More action should be the participation of members of the public councils at regional offices of the Interior in the evaluation committees, as well as the arrangements for the legal protection of employees. Domain spoke at the "round table" and work towards the patriotic education of police officers and youth. In the Far East, this area is given special attention. Great help HR departments of internal affairs have in veterans. One of the best examples - public action "Honor and Valor", which is held for the eighth time in the Far East, with the active support of veterans and the public. Winners of the action - the best of the best representatives of the police and the Interior Ministry of Russia, as well as family members of employees killed in the line of duty. "Honor and Valor" contains not only an important role in the patriotic education of citizens, but also has a positive impact on improving the image and prestige of the service employees in the police, "- noted by the participants of the" round table ".

Опубликовано:   13-07-2013, 19:00      |      Категория:  eng news

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