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Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek

Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek students and teachers in public school number 59 along with social activists occupied the city landscaping areas: weeding weeds and mulch the soil brought by the mayor. Mound Burachek enthusiasts have long been engaged. Back in 2005 the head of George Truseneva, a member of the Society for the Study of the Amur region, had an idea - instead of cleaned garages arrange seating area: - I was chairman of the cooperative's 9 years old -George tells Trusenev. - In 2005 when still in his post, I decided to put something in place that used to be occupied garage cooperatives. There was a kind of unsightly. Began to export soil, rock blasting, bulldozers were working. After this had great help co-op members: Nick Argens has delivered more bark for soil fertility, Rinat Hisamudinov brought his technique to lift the block and break it. Later joined by schoolchildren. Now part of the landscaped:between flower beds blooming garden of stones, and a bizarre bush replaces another. Among the plants there and in the Red: larch Olginskaya, apricot, pine gustotsvetkovaya, Abel dvuhtsvetkovaya, Prinsep China, Amur cork, microbiota, rhododendron Schlippenbach. - When I was still studying at the university, George B. came to us with a proposal to equip this hill and literally infected us with his energy, - says Ilya Grabovenko, architect and author of the project of improvement of the hill Burachek.- This hill is above all the others and so it is very interesting as a place of beauty view of the city. Part of the composition, we have designed is a water tower. It is visible from almost all sides of the city, and it is sad that the tower is in a terrible state. We offer for your project to rebuild it in a cafe with a lift and connect with the top of the hill bridge that tourists can climb in the trunk of the reconstructed water tower right on the hill. Weplanned to link the hill to the main part of the road so that tourists could drive up the bus and climb up the other side. And this rise we offer landscaping. Viewing platforms decided to have a few, though, and this prevents one problem - the large slope of the slope. It's been 5 years since we made this project. Now that the bridges were built in the city of broken squares, attention to our project is getting stronger. Administration of Vladivostok have paid attention to the site: on the initiative of the city on the hill today brought the earth. Pupils number 59 took a shovel and began to spread new soil on rocky surface. - I decided to participate in the project because it is very interesting - says a student at number 59 Anja Grebenuk. - The platform will go down in the history of our school, our city. People will be able to come to the landscaped grounds and admire the stunning views of the city. Unfortunately, it happens on a hill can not often - I live in a remote part of the city. I will come more often if there is something interesting. Burachek hill located in the southern part of Vladivostok between the Golden Horn and Domid Ulysses. Some call it the double-peaked due to its two peaks, surrounded on all sides by tall buildings. Named in honor of the volcano Eugene S. Burachek, who was the first commander of the naval port of Vladivostok, who arrived here in June 1861. Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek Today, July 12 in Vladivostok on the hill Burachek

Anastasia Yaroshenko

Опубликовано:   12-07-2013, 20:49      |      Категория:  eng news

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