On the basis of these mobile points specialists Far Eastern Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" provides advice on the possibility of pensioners receiving pension through the bank's branches. Also on-site retiree may make a social bank card, which greatly simplify the procedure for transfer of pension accounts opened in the structural units of the bank. Around 360000 people receive pensions through the offices of the Far Eastern Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" - the largest bank in Russia, which accounts for about a third of the assets of the Russian banking sector. Founder and major shareholder of OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which owns 50% of the share capital plus one voting share. The other shareholders of the Bank are more than 245000 individuals and businesses. The Bank has the most extensive branch network in Russia: more than 18 thousand branches and internal divisions. Foreign Bank's network consists of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in 20 countries, including the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey. In September 2012 Sberbank has closed the acquisition of DenizBank, which ranks 6th among private banks in Turkey and 9th place among banks in the country in terms of total consolidated assets. Far East Bank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" was created January 12001 included in its composition department, working in the five regions of the Federation - Khabarovsk and Primorye, Amur and Jewish Autonomous and Sakhalin regions. The central office is located in Khabarovsk - the capital of the Far Eastern Federal District. Now in terms of retail funds bank holds 47.6% market share in the region. As of 01012013 the Far Eastern bank of Sberbank of Russia opened approximately 13.1 million individuals' bank accounts for a total of 186 billion rubles. The share of bank lending to the population - 36.0%, legal entities - 31.2%. On 01012013 the loan portfolio of the Far Eastern bank of Sberbank of Russia amounted to 231 billion rubles. Of these, 104.2 billion rubles - loans to households, 96.1 billion rubles - large and medium enterprises, 30.7 billion rubles - to small businesses. General license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations in 1481. The official website of the bank - www.sberbank.ru
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