Appropriate changes to the Code of Administrative Offences (CAO Code) and Article 28 of the Federal Law "On the Road Safety." In addition, the increase and the amount of fines for a number of traffic violations. All of these changes are waiting for the drivers to September 12013 immediately after the holiday season. Before the final adoption of innovations was one step - the signature of the president. First of all, we are talking about penalties that will grow as the lower limit (from 100 to 500 rubles) and the top (from 5000 to 50000 rubles). In addition, the fall will be finalized amendments to the Criminal Code to toughen responsibility for drunken driving. For the management of vehicle driver in a state of intoxication, as well as for the transmission of driving a person in a state of intoxication, and failure to comply with the legal requirements for the authorized officer to undergo medical examination for alcohol will be fined 30000 with the deprivation of the right to drive the vehicle to a period of 1.5 to 2 years. Re driving while intoxicated is punishable by a fine of 50000 rubles from the deprivation of the right to drive for three years. If caught driving drunk driver, previously deprived of rights, it is waiting for administrative detention from 10 to 15 days (or 30000 fine if the arrest for whatever reason, can not be applied to it). The cost of using a mobile phone while driving in September, also will increase substantially - the authors of the amendments decided to "revive" old ban imposed in 2007. Now talk while driving without using the Hands free headset will cost 1500 rubles. In September, repeated passage through the red light will join a list of "lishencheskih" articles - 5000 rubles fine or forfeiture slave for a period of four to six months.
Jeep driver began firing from "travmatika" his opponent on the car at the time in the back seat, "Swift" was a ten-month baby. Baby buried shards of broken glass......
Today, 14 June, the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev took part in the meeting of the Board of the Council of municipal formations of Primorsky Krai, which was held with the acting Russian. The...
The event, held every two years, which has become a tradition for Vladivostok, attracting the attention of artists from around the world. This year will present their projects to 62 representatives...
Co from China to the littoral approaching atmospheric fronts, because of which the province in the next days is established erratic weather patterns. Vladivostok last weekend coincided with the...
Four of the new park, which will be furnished in the regional center of this year, will remain recreational areas - realigning territories impossible......
Most of the staff chaplains (to be precise - they are 40) Eastern Orthodox, two - Islam. In the near future there will be the first time in the army chaplains Buddhists......
On Saturday, August 24 members of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels had a preventive raid off the coast of Vladivostok and the Russian island. With the onset of summer the raids are held...
Primorsky Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky staff meeting held in the aftermath of the cyclone in the municipal obrazovaniyah.Kak reported to the head of the region, is counting the damage...
Landmine town park in Vladivostok is now the property of the city. The Court considered the suit long and still ruled in favor of the mayor's office. Mingorodok Vladivostok result in the order will...
В воскресенье на этой же автодороге произошло аналогичное ДТП. 32-летний водитель мотоцикла предположительно Honda CBR при совершении обгона выехал на полосу встречного движения, где столкнулся с...
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