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Experts reported to the city that in 2013

Experts reported to the city that in 2013 Experts reported to the city, which in 2013 Pervorechenskij's overhaul of the roadway will be held at 35 sites, 24 of them - already in the works - is replacement of curbs, the training base and asphalt paving. Fully completed by public transport to the houses on the street № 41-42 Dnieper, refurbished driveways leading from the number of houses number 13 number 15 to number 17 home, 23 on the street Gamarnik completed renovation of territory on the street. Heroes of the Varyag, 7 Nyquist, 16-18 Karbysheva 20. During the detour head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev was on driveways along a number of houses number 24a, 30323436 on the street Dnieper, where the contractor is replacing layers of pavement, curbs, manhole hatches restores utilities and getting ready to start laying asphalt pavement. After talking to residents of the district, who thanked the mayor for the repair of roads, the mayor instructed to include in the repair plan for 2014 driveways along the house number 38 on the street Dnieper. The next target was the number of houses along the passage 51 - 55 on the street Dnieper, where the head of Vladivostok instructed to take into account the wishes of the inhabitants - namely, clean rain water well, to restore the grid downpour receiver, to conduct emergency repairs to driveways from the back of the house, and also to include a repair plan in 2014 year. The main object of the inspection was under construction road that will connect the street with Dnipro Vostretsova, Pechora and the prospectus of the 100th anniversary of Vladivostok. Construction of a new transportation hub is divided into several stages. The first phase of construction is currently in the municipal enterprise "Roads of Vladivostok." At the site of work produced by removal of utilities, soil sampling (removed more than 7000 cubic meters) of the device and storm sewer systems. "The road has to be a concrete substrate, the device of the system of storm sewers and lighting, - said the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev - When the new road will be built completely, it will relieve the main roads, in particular, to minimize the number of heavy vehicles on the main roads." As reported to the head of the maintenance of the housing stock and urban areas of the Vladivostok Administration Leonid Vilchisnky, the project provides system design of a new storm sewer - heavy trays will be laid under the sidewalks on both sides of the road, and the center of the road will pave the pipes of large cross-section, which will lead into an existing storm sewer . In addition, the road will be built with concrete base, the thickness of which is 18 inches. Then the asphalt concrete is laid in two layers, and the third layer is made from asphalt schebenochnomastichnogo. "In the second section of the ring road will begin this year - planned excavation, construction of retaining walls, removal of utilities and system of storm sewers. The following will only have to lay asphalt concrete ", - said the head of the maintenance of the housing stock and urban areas of the Vladivostok Administration Leonid Vilchisnky. Recall that in Vladivostok continues repair major roads and intra-as well as adjoining areas. Among the objects have repaired streets where repair was not carried out for decades. Every week the head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev conducts retreats, during which he personally monitors the quality of work performed.

Опубликовано:   10-07-2013, 21:17      |      Категория:  eng news

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