Employment centers help to open your own business Primorye
Since the beginning of the year 157 residents of the province started business with the help of experts employment services. Nearly 500 unemployed people received the necessary advice for their own businesses.
According to the department of labor and social development of the Primorsky Territory, the promotion of self-employment of the unemployed - is testing applicants in developing business plans, the use of channels of communication and office equipment. If necessary, organized training on general and specialized knowledge by activity.
In addition, citizens are given financial assistance for state registration, as well as the preparation of statutory documents, payment of state duty for registration of the company, a certificate for the right to engage in individual activities, the acquisition of blanks documentation, manufacturing of seals and stamps.
Mostly Primorye choose activities in the field of agricultural production, trade, auto repair, provision of public services, manufacturing, and construction. The analysis showed that the most successful are agricultural projects, as well as business in the provision of public services.
According to experts, the last year information and advice to the business organization were unemployed in 1267. More than 400 of Primorye in 2012 became entrepreneurs - said VestiRegion.ru Department of Labor and Social Development of Primorye .
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