Funds raised during the charity marathon "Soldiers of victory - with gratitude," re-directed to the needs of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and widows of war.
Blagotovritelny Marathon continues to work in Artem
In the administration of Artyom urban district held a meeting of the board of trustees of the Fund of social support, which examined the veteran filed an application for assistance. This is the second meeting at which the distributed funds remaining in the account after a charity marathon the Victory Day.
In total, during the campaign on the eve of the country's main holiday artemovtsami raised almost 890 thousand rubles. The funds were on holiday sets veterans on Victory Day. The remaining money in the account were distributed to provide targeted assistance pursuant coming from veterans statements.
With this money, bought appliances for veterans in apartments renovated and allocated funds for prosthetic dentistry and medicine. So this time, 11 people will be able to solve their immediate problems. From 5 to 10 thousand rubles isolated members of the board of trustees for certain purposes. Someone need to purchase coal at someone broken toilet, no washing machines or need surgery.
No application is left unattended. At the council meeting, it was noted that such a charity marathon "Soldiers of Victory - with gratitude, which involves residents of the county, is very effective. This makes it possible to render effective assistance to needy veterans. As a rule, seek the support of lonely people who have no family.
Therefore, all those who took part in a charity event can be assured that the money went to a good cause, and veterans feel the care and attention of residents Artem. Foundation of social support are always glad to any contribution to the common fund charity - reported press service of the city district Artyom.