This is mainly due to the constant holding in this
This is mainly due to the constant holding of that day thematic actions by many pastry shops. Vladivostok's Day chocolate began to celebrate recently, however, interest of the citizens of the city for the holiday is increasing every year. As noted by experts confectionery house "Tortoni", the feast day of the sales increase so much that can be compared only to that of March 8. This is mainly due to the fact that all the fans of sweet treats can buy products in retail outlets at a discount of 50%. This year was no exception. It is noteworthy that, despite the name of the holiday, the discount does not apply only to chocolate products, but also in the rest of the range of cakes and pastries. "In Europe Day chocolate usually celebrate as a family. We would like for the residents of Vladivostok this day became a family. Chocolate Festival - a great opportunity to gather loved ones over a cup of tea. We do this action for several years and we are pleased to see that every year more and more people are attached to the celebration, "- said Oleg Ignatiev, the creator of the brand," Thorton ". Residents of the central part of Russia are suitable for the celebration of chocolate creatively. In some cities, themed discos, exhibitions, contests, body art with chocolate paint. The biggest day of chocolate was celebrated in the city of Intercession where you installed the world's first monument to chocolate. The first day of the French chocolate noted on July 11 in 1995. Good tradition was picked up in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and many other European countries, including Russia. On the World Day of chocolate confectioners congratulate friends and all friends who love chocolate.
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