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Stomach "bucks" these days attracting

Stomach "bucks" these days attracting Stomach "bucks" these days attracting belching and heartburn. Therefore recommended light food. Moon exacerbates resentment, mistrust, sensitivity to words and actions, as well as a sense of ownership, jealousy. In these days of malicious actions alcohol, tranquilizers, and other potent drugs - their dose should be reduced. Unfavorable time for operations on the chest, breast, stomach, liver and gallbladder. In everyday life it is necessary to adhere to a sparing diet. Take up the things that you put off for a long time. It is undesirable to enter into large transactions with foreigners. A good day to communicate with relatives. Take time to talk with your loved one, a joint holiday. Romance will be harmonious and even, if you can keep from undue criticism. Do not forget about physical activity: active lifestyle contributes to the vitality and improves mood. In the professional field may be a problem. Do not be afraid to ask for support. Successfully held talks with potential employers. Stars are advised to avoid unnecessary physical activity, useful walk. Be patient and restrained, explain your position, do not shy away from the unpleasant conversations. In professional affairs of the situation pleasant and predictable. You will be able to overcome obstacles to achieve success in solving any problems. It is difficult to find a common language with your loved one. You will have to take steps to preserve the existing relations. Day for work, increasing professional authority. Feel free to fill his price - the appropriate time for this. Do not let doubt interfere with your professional and personal growth. The financial situation is unstable, it is necessary to economize. Peace in the family and the harmony in the relationship with your loved one will be happy. An opportunity to recuperate. Avoid conflicts help your sense of tact and outstanding intuition. Business negotiations are best done in the afternoon. Stability in personal relationships - that's what you need now: behave openly and honestly. Day is associated with the financial and property problems. Business negotiations are best done in the afternoon - this time you will be strong and confident. Do not expect that a loved one, friends and relatives will guess your wishes. In the study, the probability of misunderstanding. Rely on the advice of experienced colleagues, give up the experiments. Finance costs will be higher than you expected. In the field of romantic attachment prevail positive trends. Today you are in any workplace will be the leader, so be prepared to make decisions, give orders and be responsible. Calm and harmonious relationships with loved ones. Friends and relatives are willing to help in overcoming minor problems. Do not make yourself take up the case, it is better to think about the rest. The financial situation is complicated, but your creativity and imagination to help solve the problem. Try to listen more to others, to take into account the views of those who are dear to you. Proceed with care and rely on the help of reliable people. Today, you will be able to find investors who will be possible thanks to the implementation of your ambitious project. Try to be the center of attention, do not hide from others of their victories and achievements. Stable financial situation.

Alexander Rempel

Опубликовано:   9-07-2013, 09:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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