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Appropriate instructions contained in the decree of the regions

Appropriate instructions contained in the decree of the regions Appropriate instructions contained in the regions presidential decree number 600 of May 72012. Improve the quality of housing services by the development of competition in the sector, as well as to attract private investment in the modernization of housing and communal services and energy efficiency of the industry. In Primorye in this area have done a great job. Creates favorable conditions for attracting private investment in the sector, including through concession agreements, tax incentives and budget loans. Attract private investment to help the transition to early (at least three years) tariff regulation in the public sector, including using the RAB (regulatory method for returning the invested capital). Long-term rates for the transportation of electricity have been installed for all network edge organizations, the biggest - Seaside branch of "DRSC" since 2010 is adjusted by the method of RAB, thereby managed to build a new electric power for the APEC Summit. The transition to long-term tariff regulation of heat supply other organizations as well as organizations of the water supply and sanitation will be implemented from 2016. Another requirement of the decree - the tasks associated with the liquidation of emergency housing. To do this, in the Primorsky Territory implemented a separate routine, designed to 2017. The total funding in 2013-2015 will amount to more than 5 billion rubles. The Subprogram in 2013 involved 22 municipalities. As part of the program is planned to resettle 1282 apartments in dilapidated houses. Another line of work to improve the quality of housing and communal services - the formation of a network of community organizations that will be engaged in the issues of social control in this area. In Primorye, is a municipal advisory council on the quality of housing services. Similar councils are created in the municipalities of the region. To improve the efficiency of their work and to coordinate their activities the Center of social control housing in the Primorye Territory. Put into trial operation of Internet resource "Public Utilities", which allows citizens to receive information on the legal regulation in the sphere of housing and communal services, pay utility bills in electronic form, as well as to apply the provision of low-quality housing services to ensure prompt consideration and response. Since the end of 2012 an internet resource "My region", combining the functions of electronic registration of public services and service "people's control", allowing to quickly identify critical problems that require immediate solutions. Based on the experience of the service "My region" and "people's control" in the Primorye Territory in the near future is expected launch of these projects on a national scale. Following the meeting of board of the Regional Development Ministry decided to hear reports on the progress of municipalities in this area work. Schedule reports municipalities Primorye already approved.

Press service of the Primorsky Territory Administration

Опубликовано:   8-07-2013, 23:48      |      Категория:  eng news

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