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Without the development of tourism can not see further relations between East and West America, Russia

Without the development of tourism can not see further relations between East and West America, Russia
First International Tourism Fair ITFA-2013 "Russia - Alaska" will be held in Anchorage, USA, 26 - 27 August 2013. Venue - the hotel "Sheraton".

To participate in the Fair of tourism should:

- Fill out and send in the registration form for the ITFA, which can be found on the official website of the Fair.

- Pay the registration fee;

- Book a room at the Sheraton Hotel (venue of the meeting), or in the alternative hotel of the city of Anchorage.

ITFA-2013 Organizing Committee recommends to take care of registration for participation in the meeting and bookings in advance. The organizers are ready to help in this Russian travel company, providing a list of hotels at lower prices. If there is a need for a U.S. visa, it is necessary to take into account the time required for its execution. This can also help partners ITFA-2013:

-Vladivostok - Open DV "Fregat-Aero",

- Magadan - the business center of the City Council.

For questions concerning registration, sponsorship ITFA and booking a hotel room, you need to contact the organizers of the event. All the addresses and contacts can be found on the website of the First International Tourism Fair ITFA-2013 -

Опубликовано:   8-07-2013, 13:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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