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With respect to police in Primorye prosecuted

Investigators at Primorsky Krai opened a criminal case against the head of logistics Inter-municipal department of the Interior Ministry "Dalnegorsky." He is suspected of malpractice.

With respect to police in Primorye prosecuted

A police officer accused of negligence

April 30 this year, police without verifying the documents, illegally gave to his friend who has no license for the weapon, a gun belonging to another man.

In a criminal case the complex of measures aimed at strengthening the evidence base and charge.

The crime was solved with the assistance of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation CSS for the Primorye Territory - said VestiRegion.ru Senior Assistant Head of Justice Major Roman Aurora.

With respect to police in Primorye prosecuted

Опубликовано:   4-07-2013, 13:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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