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Company of Macau is ready to invest in the project entertainment zone "Primorye"

The first foreign company has reached an agreement to invest in an integrated entertainment zone "Primorye".

Company of Macau is ready to invest in the project entertainment zone "Primorye"

company of Macau is ready to invest in the "Primorye"

After the talks held by the Governor of Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky now Summit Ascent Holdings Ltd, arrangements were made for investment in RHS "Primorye".

Summit Ascent Holdings Ltd - one of the leading companies participating in the entertainment market, today announced that it is ready to act as an investor in the construction of a complex integrated resort "Primorye".

"For the Primorsky Territory is a momentous event, demonstrating the strong interest of investors in the region. Negotiations were held with investors in the RFC during the APEC summit. At the moment, the amount of investment being discussed, but it is now clear that it can be even greater than previously thought, as the RHS concept involves creating from scratch all over-the-art infrastructure in the tourism cluster ", - said the director of the Agency for investment in Primorye Andrey Aksenov.

In mid-June, Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky held a series of meetings with representatives of the gambling industry in Macau. Several investors, including Summit Accent Holdings expressed interest in the project for the construction of an integrated entertainment zone "Primorye" - VestiRegion.ru reports the press service of the Governor of Primorye.

"In Russia today, a total of 4 integrated entertainment areas, but, according to experts, gaming zone in Primorye most promising. After a one-hour flight from Vladivostok population of about 400 million people, "- said Vladimir Miklushevsky.

Press service of the Governor of

Company of Macau is ready to invest in the project entertainment zone "Primorye"

Опубликовано:   3-07-2013, 20:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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