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РИА "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   3-07-2013, 16:03      |      Категория:  eng news

The law is aimed at improving the legislation
9-07-2013, 12:31, eng news
The law is aimed at improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in respect of the establishment of warning and informing the public about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of...
Dysfunctional families in Primorye visited police
13-03-2013, 10:40, eng news
In Primorye, starts operation "Family." During the raids, juvenile committees will pay special attention to disadvantaged families, children are in a critical situation. Dysfunctional family checks...
Sotsnorma electricity in Primorye canceled by order of the Governor
14-05-2013, 15:31, eng news
Primorsky Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky and chairman of the working group for the introduction of a social norm Sergei Garden held a working meeting. Annual salary of physicians will...
Open joint-stock company «Spasskcement»
24-06-2013, 17:15, eng news
Open joint-stock company «Spasskcement» celebrated its 106-year anniversary. More than a century seaside cement workers feel secure in the cohort of the largest Russian suppliers of high quality...
In Primorye, the party arrested for debt mopeds and outboard
18-09-2013, 18:38, eng news
In the department bailiffs entered the area Khankaysky writ of seizure of the movable and immovable property of the men on the amount of more than 700 thousand rubles, as well as the accounts are in...
For multimillion debts bailiffs seized property Maritime Fishing Port
3-04-2013, 04:20, eng news
Nakhodka Fishing Port entity owes 85 million rubles, while the director NMRP avoided encounters with police officers......
Vladivostok residents wanted to eat 9 tons of rotten fish heads
22-03-2013, 05:08, eng news
In Primorye, found in the fish shop of 9 tons of salmon heads were fit only for animal feed......
In Primorye, condemned cook kindergarten, 36 children get infected with salmonella
17-04-2013, 19:10, eng news
The court appointed the defendant sentenced to 6 months of prison labor with the state revenue in the amount of 5% of salary......
Driver, brought down in Ussuriysk pedestrian, announced in Primorye in search
20-03-2013, 02:30, eng news
In Primorye, from traffic violations fighting machine, children suffer, drivers and pedestrians continue to ignore safe road behavior......
As described in the State public institutions
26-07-2013, 13:48, eng news
As described in the State public institutions of Primorsky Krai on fire safety, civil defense, protection of population and territories from emergency situations, flooded low floodplains Pavlivka,...

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