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The fault of the foreman working in Primorye injured

In the city of Arsenyev completed the investigation of the criminal case against the foreman, regulating working with municipal solid waste.

The fault of the foreman working in Primorye injured

violation of safety - a criminal case

In Primorsky Krai for violation of safety rules regarding foreman prosecuted.

April 10 this year in Arsenyev, in the street October, porters purified waste containers. One of them, he was sure that the handles securely hold the container, and the second at the time was in the area of the container.

The defendant saw violations had to stop work, not did not. As a result, the container fell on the worker, a man was seriously injured.

Gather the necessary evidence of guilt, the criminal case to the court - said VestiRegion.ru Senior Assistant Head of Justice Major Roman Aurora.

The fault of the foreman working in Primorye injured

Опубликовано:   2-07-2013, 20:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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