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The Primorsky regional court of 28 June 2013 imposed

The Primorsky regional court of 28 June 2013 imposed The Primorsky regional court of 28 June 2013 sentenced 17-year-old boy from Ussuriisk, recognized guilty in the murder of a local woman, committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion (p.p. «g, h» 'clock 2 item 105 of the criminal code) and robbery (paragraph «a» of part 4 of article 162 of the criminal code). As we learn the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» from unofficial sources, the murder took place in June 2012 and the village Гранатовка of Kastrychnitski district. Two young men of 15 and 16 years agreed attack on the lonely проживавшую pensioner to kill her and take control of her money. 15-year old teenager was brought that grandma native grandson. My grandson and his friend attacked the mistress of the house, beat her arms and legs and strangled. Prey raiders began to 110 thousand rubles. After the police and the investigative Committee denounced both in the Commission of a crime, both teenager were in jail. And then the grandson murdered grandmother, being in jail, took his own life and hanged himself in his cell. The second partner chose life: and he received for their acts 9 years and 10 months of imprisonment with serving the punishment in an educational colony. As noted in the press service of the Prosecutor's office of the Primorsky territory, such a term of punishment is defined defendant with regard to the requirements of article 88 of the Penal code, prohibiting appoint juvenile offenders is deprivation of liberty for a term of over 10 years.

Опубликовано:   1-07-2013, 21:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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