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Since July 1 tariffs on utility services in the Maritime region grew

From July 1 this year, the tariffs for housing and communal services in Primorsky Krai rose

Since July 1 tariffs on utility services in the Maritime region grew

Utility tariffs rose again

Light, heat and water rose on average by 6%. Given that the rates and prices from January 1 this year, did not increase, the regional Department of tariff set them so that the maximum fee for the comfort of residents is not increased by more than 15% (the average for the year, 6%).

The average tariff for electricity in the second half of the year will be 12%, including the population - 14.9%.
The growth of tariffs for heat will be 12% (the average for the year - 6%), ie at the level of the Russian average.

In this case, Primorye will continue to receive social payments for heat, for these purposes is budgeted 382 billion rubles.

Summing up the numbers and percentages, it is worth noting that the average two-bedroom apartment for a family of three in the second half of this year will pay about 6000 rubles.

On subsidies for housing for low-income Primorye in the regional budget provided 828 billion rubles.

Since July 1 tariffs on utility services in the Maritime region grew

Опубликовано:   1-07-2013, 16:16      |      Категория:  eng news

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