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If not interfere with the weather conditions, next week

If not interfere with the weather conditions, next week If not interfere with the weather conditions, next week road builders are planning to start works on Kirov street. Perform work Artemivska company «Specialized construction Department», with which the administration Artemovsky urban district has entered into a municipal contract for capital repairs of roads. According to Director of JSC «Specialized construction Department Evgeny Semenov, now is the paving of the street Vokzalnaya, on the plot with the First Western already asphalted in two layers. The city market is also undergoing renovation. Proceed to the repair of the Central road along the street Kirov street from International to the turning ring before renovated street Vokzalnaya, impossible. Exactly at Vokzalnaya street will be detour during repair on Kirov street, therefore, the primary task of the road - to bring in the proper condition of the road on the street Vokzalnaya. Meanwhile, Kirov street, which is in poor condition, preparations are being made. Its task is already completed surveyors, is currently preparing the project documentation.

The press-service of the Primorsky territory Administration

Опубликовано:   27-06-2013, 21:15      |      Категория:  eng news

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