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Dance, which will see the whole world, invented and developed

Dance, which will see the whole world, invented and developed Dance, which will see the whole world, invented and developed ten representatives of choreographic schools of Vladivostok. A few days ago, the organizers sent to all participants of the video-a lesson in which the well-known in the city dancer and dance instructor Roman Poltorak tells and shows you how to correctly perform a dance song. To demonstrate the learned motion will be rehearsals and repeat during mass events. Two rehearsals will be held at the end of June on the embankment of the crown Prince, and will take place on July 7 General run on the bridge. Those who have no opportunity to rehearse, but I really want to participate in the historical event can become a part of the» living flag. Participants will need to come on July 7 on the Golden bridge, where they will receive a box of white, blue or red and bracelet with an individual number. This number tells party, where he will have to stand, focusing special marking, deposited on the paving of the bridge. The task of these participants will be simple: we need to stand with a raised flag over the head about five minutes. Take part in one of the brightest events in the 153-year history of Vladivostok. You must register on the website http://www.ilovevl.ru/, learn dance and come to the rehearsals.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   26-06-2013, 16:45      |      Категория:  eng news

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