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26 June is the international day against drugs.

26 June is the international day against drugs. 26 June today is the international day of struggle against drugs. On the eve of this date, the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» met with acting head of the Federal drug control service for the Primorsky Krai police Colonel Sergei Medvedko, who spoke about the tendencies to counter drug abuse. As Syarhei Medvedko, starting from 2013 in the territory of Primorye all law enforcement authorities found more than 1.6 thousand crimes related to drug trafficking. The share of drug-related crimes in General the amount of registered crimes in the Primorsky territory is reduced. «If we talk about the preliminary results, I can say that during this time the seaside management of the narcocontrol revealed more than 800 crimes related to drug trafficking. Of these, nearly 80% is the crime of grave and particularly grave. 66% are associated with the sale of drugs, ulw, психотропов. Opened more than 600 criminal cases. Liquidated 78 organized groups and groups of persons upon a preliminary collusion, engaged in criminal activities in the sphere of наркосбыта. In particular, the groups that organized the delivery and mass distribution of heroin, drug каннабисной group, synthetic number of Pervomaysky, Первореченском areas of Vladivostok, Ussuriisk, - says Sergey Medvedko. - In cooperation with the Federal security service of the Pacific fleet, suppressed the activity of an organized group that created the network of sales of drugs каннабисной group in Fokino and the Danube village. Has completed investigation into the criminal case against the criminal group to enforce opiates such a large city of Primorye as a Godsend. According to the materials of the drug control authorities sentenced to various prison terms of more than 300 person. These terms are very large!» It should also be noted that from 1 January 2013 came into force a number of amendments to the criminal code, significantly toughens penalties for illegal turnover of narcotic drugs by up to life imprisonment for such crimes as smuggling or selling of drugs in especially large size. For selling drugs in large quantities criminal code establishes liability to 20 years of imprisonment. Became tougher responsibility for incitement to use drugs, now the maximum punishment provided for the crime, to 15 years ' imprisonment. One should also emphasize that separately put the responsibility for the sale of drugs via the Internet, places for recreation and sports, in places of deprivation of liberty. As Syarhei Medvedko, making changes in some legislative acts providing for the introduction in the Russian Federation system of early detection of the use of narcotic drugs without prescription students in educational institutions that implement programs of General and professional education, (introduced by the Federal law «On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on prevention of illegal (non-medical) consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances») has become a modern response to the drug threat. Such a measure as «informed consent» to check on the content of the drug in the body was focused on the young. Before reaching the age of 15 years, all sorts of tests, checking of young people on the use of any kind of potions, can be carried out with the consent of the parents. After 15 years of age consent to its audit of наркотестом should give himself a teenager. Of course, he may refuse. But in practice, Primorsky management FSKN cases of refusal from the survey were few and usually such refusal is an alarming symptom for the parents. Sergey Medvedko notes that earlier detection of potions becomes effective measure. Before people became addicted, it can be put on the path of correction. On average, every addict for the year draws in the consumption of narcotic drugs, a few more people from their environment. Grassroots link наркосбыта is also basically, people who use drugs. Almost half of all burglaries and robberies committed by drug addicts to seek funds for the dose. This problem is also very closely linked the spread of such «social» diseases as HIV (AIDS), hepatitis, etc. All this leads to the tragedies of thousands of families faced with this: elementary stealing money and belongings from the house to the Commission of violent crimes in the state of narcotic intoxication; issues of companies, if the person is a drug addict (up to industrial accidents). That is why Sergey Aleksandrovich against dividing drugs to «light» and «heavy». And against any legalization of those types of drugs, which many mistakenly called the «lungs». «Any legalization of illicit drugs leads to the awakening of interest to more «advanced» drugs", - said Sergei Medvedko. - In the consumer's mind «grass», for example, can be a logic chain - I tried it out for a smoke, and nothing terrible happened. Why not go ahead? Now this is a big step to the edge of the abyss!» According to Sergei Alexandrovich, to obtain heroin addiction just one injection of the drug. Quickly arising addiction to heroin almost always leads to fatal consequences: «lifetime» of the heroin addict is about five years. Then death. Death may come before. This is also possible. For several months in the use of heroin man completely deprived of all social relations - work, family, money, becomes a criminal way of earning money on the dose. Young people did not reach the injection of heroin, are required to identify possible drug use at an early stage. «Chemistry is the science of the future. But rapid development creates new problems, - says Sergey Medvedko. - All kinds of inventors are continuously trying to create analogues of narcotic drugs more affordable and more popular among youth. The use of synthetics, as a rule, occurs noninjection by, entertainment establishments - in clubs, parties, etc. seizures of synthetic drugs and their analogues (analogues are called substance, which has not yet been included in the Lists of narcotic drugs, approved by the RF Government) in 2013 have increased 7 times in comparison with the similar period of the last year» Sergey Medvedko also said that the sellers of the «synthetics» are increasingly looking to sell the drugs through the mail, through the dissemination of «bookmarks», and through the Internet. Sellers act: the Internet-correspondence get money through the so-called «e-wallets», and then indicate where to pick up your «product». This eliminates contact between the seller and the buyer. And наркосбытчикам think it allows them to evade surveillance and subsequent criminal liability. This, of course, not. The practice of the Primorsky UFSKN showed - наркосбытчики using the Internet and bookmarks, not only detained and arrested, but get imposing prison terms for their drug activities. Only for the last 2 years seized more than 30 kilograms of drugs detained persons сбывавшие synthetic materials by wholesale and retail, including contactless methods, via the Internet. In April of this year were sent to court a criminal case against a resident of Vladivostok, which in its time in 2011 were seized 19 kg synthetics and психотропов. Moreover, most of the seized was already packaged in packages and intended for delivery to other cities and regions. In Ussuriisk such trader in 2013 got 8 years of imprisonment, in Arsenyev наркобытчик-«закладочник» - 6. Moreover, in Arsenyev the defendant had to answer not only for the sale of drugs, but also for smuggling. Girl - соучастница арсеньевского наркопродавца finally got 7 years of conditional sentence.

Alexander Огневский, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   25-06-2013, 21:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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