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The main issue of the Plenum was the discussion lasted

The main issue of the Plenum was the discussion lasted The main issue of the Plenum was the discussion which lasted from October of the last year till may of the current survey of the living conditions of war veterans and other categories of veterans of the city of Vladivostok. The survey involved 60 members of the Board of veterans who visited 1500 people from the city of old age in their place of residence, as well as in Седанкинском nursing home. The results of the survey reflected the problems that older people face in their daily lives. Among the most common: the repair of apartments, purchase of home appliances, home health care. In most cases, we are talking about people with disabilities, so it is a social and medical assistance at the place of stay is especially important for them. Chairman of Committee on social policy and veterans Affairs Olga Vorozhbit in his speech commended the relevance of the discussed at the Plenum of the questions: «Conducted by the veterans of the examination showed the problems of concrete people, now you can help them address. As a positive example of responsible attitude to the older generation can be called a veteran organization of the far Eastern shipping company, where former employees of the company are surrounded by a full care. Deputies of the Duma of Vladivostok constantly paying attention to support the older generation of citizens. We remember about their problems, when we partake of the city budget, support nonprofit veterans ' organization, financial assistance is provided to those who are in difficult life circumstances. In the near future will be held a joint meeting of the Committee on social policy and veterans Affairs and the city Council of veterans, we consider the results of the survey of living conditions of veterans». Chairman of the Vladivostok city Duma Elena Novitskaya also believes in a joint discussion of the results of the survey: «The fact that the Council of the veterans decided to study the living conditions of veterans, their needs are very correct decision. Let's analyze the results of these surveys, identified the problems which we can influence. Sure together we can do for each veteran».

The Duma of Vladivostok

Опубликовано:   25-06-2013, 21:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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