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Birthday Vladivostok will be repaired C-56 and MPC-80

Birthday Vladivostok will be repaired C-56 and MPC-80

Vladivostok actively preparing for the Day of the city. On the streets there were first festive banners, to clean up the squares, are in the proper state of the monuments. Rostral column was washed off.

A holiday park repairs will be completed at Cape Churkin, where the famous set small fishing seiner MRS-80. He was removed from the basin and overhauled.

Under active repair and boat C-56 - the main component of the memorial of military glory Pacific Fleet. The boat has been installed on the Ship waterfront in 1975 and has since been overhauled not repaired, only to tint regularly. She is rotten casing of the upper deck, inoperable electrician. This year, the C-56 subjected to extensive repairs. All layers of paint were removed, replaced all the dilapidated shell elements, paved deck. Almost completely transformed in and out of the boat, they are insulated, it replaced the wiring. Completion of the C-56 is scheduled for July 28 - the Day of the Navy, which will be held in Vladivostok in compliance with all the traditions that have developed over the years.

Birthday Vladivostok will be repaired C-56 and MPC-80

Опубликовано:   25-06-2013, 21:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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