In Vladivostok continues the project «people's expertise. In the framework of this program to all residents the opportunity to influence the development of Vladivostok, choosing one of the proposed projects to improve the urban environment the most important in their opinion. Correspondent of RIA «VladNews» looked at how it actually happens. The work of the staff of interviewers of «national expertise», consisting of a number of students, starts at 10 o'clock in the morning. After a short briefing, during which senior volunteer distributes interviewers their places of work, guys put on hoodies with the logo of the «ne» and leave «in the field». Until the evening they have to interview several dozen people. There are two requirements for the respondents: over 18 years old, and accommodation in Vladivostok. All respondents are asked to choose one of seven designs to improve the welfare of the city's construction Vladivostok ring road (ВКАД); creation of a unified municipal management company; creation of a sports and fitness centers in each district of the city for a year-round practice; implementation of the program of cleaning and improvement of beaches, landscaping, implementation of the new system of garbage collection and disposal; family recreational center in the Park Landmine town; creation of a military-historical complex on the Nazimov Cape; create the Shores of health along the Amur Bay (construction of a network of Hiking and Cycling trails, beaches and sports grounds from the Bay to the Second River). Of the seven projects, you can choose three. According to one of the interviewers, Eugenia Kovanova, today citizens especially advocate for construction ВКАД and establishing a program of the planting of trees. - I chose the construction ВКАД a program of the planting of trees and the creation of a network of pedestrian and Bicycle paths, shared her impressions with the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» a young woman with an infant in arms, which interviewed the young representatives of «national expertise». - I think that, first of all, the city should improve the condition of the roads, and need more green gardens, where you could walk with the children. Influence the future of Vladivostok can each resident, you just walk up to someone in a hoodie «national expertise» and Express my view on what is most lacking Vladivostok.
Maria Pisareva, Alexey Voronin (photo), RIA «VladNews»
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