«Language of the Russian Orthodoxy in the framework of exchange
«Language of the Russian Orthodoxy in the framework of student exchange program-the Humanities students are learning the Wuhan University (China) Wang Qing, Wang Луяо and Яньжань, as well as other young Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. In the far Eastern Federal University on the initiative of head of the Department of education and кахетизации the Vladivostok diocese Archpriest Rostislav Frost foreign students are taught the basics of the Orthodox culture. In June, when in the Centre of Russian language and culture go examinations and tests, summarize the results of training and on an Orthodox course. As is known, without the basics of Orthodox culture it is impossible to fully understand and appreciate the grandeur of Russian classical literature: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky. Yes and myth «mysterious Russian soul» disappears and is replaced by the knowledge of the basics of our creeds, our religious traditions. Comes appreciation of the beauty and greatness of Orthodoxy, the respect to our faith. Teaches the basics of our faith in the far Eastern Federal University Yuliya Borisovna Prokopenko, a devout Christian, mother of three children. Under her leadership, foreign students from the Asia-Pacific countries, future philologists, culturologists, political scientists and translators (if the analogy with our specialities) read the gospel of Mark. Training is conducted on Russian, but girls from China during the test conversations showed and read in Church Slavonic. In China, Faith, Valya and Marusya (students at the beginning of training to take his Russian name, which as a rule is «glued» to him forever) learned Russian at school, then at the University, only six years. In Mark them like a parable. They now know the sacraments of the Orthodox Church, Sana'a priests, visited St. Nicholas, the Holy assumption, the Holy Игоревский temples Vladivostok, as well as the Pokrovsky Cathedral. However, judging by the level of the questions they asked father Rostislav embarrassed and emphasizing that these issues «very personal», the Chinese girls concerned about the same problems as the Russian Orthodox laity. For example, How to relieve tension after a serious study?» or «What Russian Orthodox girls choose: a family or career?» How to refrain from pride and envy? And how to become happy?»
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