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With the onset of summer, the raids are held regularly,

With the onset of summer, the raids are held regularly, With the onset of summer, the raids are held regularly, in clear weather in the sea view hundreds of boats, boats and yachts. Only in Primorsky Krai registered more than 37 thousand small vessels. The main purpose of the raids - detection of violations of the rules of navigation. In addition, checked the documents and availability of rescue funds, as well as clarification of skippers of the new administrative regulations on inspection of small vessels. According to the new administrative regulations (Order of the EMERCOM of Russia № 608 of 18102012) the procedure of examination of ships will take place once in five years. For ships that passed the technical examination to 29052012 (date of entry into force of the Federal law № 36) and included in the all-Russian register of small vessels (replaces ship books), survey procedure is not required for 5 years. For ships that passed the technical examination after the specified date, it is necessary to conduct the assessment in 2013 which will be effective for 5 years. The water areas of Primorye since the beginning of the year, our GIMS held 546 raids, including 145 with the rescuers. Compiled 170 protocols on administrative violations. To ensure water safety from the Ministry of emergencies of Russia in the Primorsky territory in the summer of 2013 attracted more than 100 employees of the state inspection of small vehicles and rescuers and more than 60 units of equipment. Serious violations during the RAID were not identified, the inspectors strongly recommended skippers strictly observe the rules of safe navigation and report violations of the departments of the state inspection of small vehicles or on the «hotline» of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia for the Primorsky Krai 8 (423) 239-99-99.

The press service of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia for the Primorsky Krai

Опубликовано:   24-06-2013, 12:32      |      Категория:  eng news

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