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But the need to refill fuel his scooter

But the need to refill fuel his scooter But the need to refill fuel his scooter ended for the debtor to unpleasant consequences: now the «iron pony can buy anyone. The court decision about the debt in the amount of USD 9 thousand rubles in favor of «Примтеплоэнерго» Citizen P. ignored. Then his place of residence arrived, a bailiff for the verification of the property status, however, the debtor servant of the law in the house did not shoot. During another RAID on apartment debtors bailiffs we stopped at the petrol station, where the lucky chance encounter with a citizen P., which featured his scooter. Without departing from the gas station, the bailiffs seized the vehicle men. Now scooter placed on the site for temporary storage of seized property, and its former owner walks on foot. The loss of the scooter, however, was not essential to the debtor of monetary funds to pay off the debt he never found. As have informed RIA "VladNews" in the press service of UFSSP, now scooter, estimated at 1000 rubles, given to implementation.

RIA "VladNews"

Опубликовано:   24-06-2013, 12:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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