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На лекарства для онкобольных в Приморье потрачено 90 миллионов рублей

С начала этого года для приморцев, страдающих онкологическими заболеваниями, закуплено лекарств почти на 90 миллионов рублей. Деньги на эти цели выделены из краевого и федерального бюджетов.

На лекарства для онкобольных в Приморье потрачено 90 миллионов рублей

В Приморье нет проблем с лекарствами для онкобольных

Сейчас готовятся документы для приобретения жизненно необходимых лекарств страдающим онкозаболеваниями на сумму 22 миллиона 739 тысяч рублей.

В Фонде обязательного медицинского страхования Приморского края также подчеркнули, что средства по данной статье для всех краевых стационаров выделяются в полном объеме – сообщает VestiRegion.ru Ксения Гусенцова, краевой департамент здравоохранения.

На лекарства для онкобольных в Приморье потрачено 90 миллионов рублей

Опубликовано:   22-06-2013, 22:02      |      Категория:  eng news

Work continues in the schools number number 4856591166.
10-07-2013, 14:32, eng news
Work continues in the schools number number 4856591166. And also in kindergarten number 28 and number 140. In addition to aesthetics, this will help keep the heat in the institutions of the winter...
The deal amounted to 60 million U.S. dollars. Summary
11-07-2013, 17:48, eng news
The deal amounted to 60 million U.S. dollars. The main objective of cooperation - the development of innovative services for retail payments on the Internet. The main areas of joint work of the...
Vladivostok Katyusha attracts foreign tour operators. In Primorye develop a bill on property obschedomovoe apartment buildings.
22-04-2013, 11:10, eng news
Information service of Radio "Lemma" - News in the full range!......
Block the center of Vladivostok in connection with the mass action
17-05-2013, 17:31, eng news
Vladivostok traffic police said that on the occasion of May 18 this year, athletic race "Green Marathon" in the city center will be limited to traffic and parking. Stir in the center of Vladivostok...
Young extortionists in Primorye will go on trial
3-06-2013, 18:40, eng news
Investigators in the Primorye Territory has completed work on the criminal case against the two local residents in 1996 and born in 1994. They are accused of extortion. Extortionists in Primorye...
Visual arts - painting,
31-07-2013, 15:47, eng news
Visual arts - painting, drawing, photography - one of the largest areas of 8th Vladivostok Biennale of Visual Arts, which will be held from August 21 to September 1. As RIA «VladNews» the press...
As part of the 8th Biennial of contemporary visual arts
30-07-2013, 19:03, eng news
As part of the 8th Biennial of Visual Arts Contemporary theater LIQUID from Moscow will present street performance «Flowers /Flowers". Such a representation, involving not only the actors but also...
On the plane, flying to Vladivostok, an elderly man died
20-03-2013, 07:20, eng news
March 1963 primrets got on a plane, flying to Vladivostok with his son. Primorye residents died on the plane about 50 minutes later the man became ill. Flight attendants tried to help him, and the...
The final point in the sensational in its time «drugged»
5-06-2013, 15:45, eng news
The final point in the sensational in its time «drugged» fact «Director», yesterday put the Primorsky regional court. The last of the defendants - Svetlana Z. June 42013 received a sentence of seven...
At ceremonies on September 2 dedicated
29-08-2013, 15:19, eng news
At ceremonies on September 2 the Day of Knowledge, Russian Emergency Situations Ministry will conduct safety lessons in educational institutions of the district. School children learn how to behave...

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