Forgery, according to the investigation, did the doctor
Forgery, according to the investigation, did the doctor-therapist of receiving the Department КГБУЗ «Дальнегорская Central city hospital». From July 2012 . for almost half a year subscribed to false recipes. So, to get for personal consumption preparations containing narcotic drugs, he designed prescription forms to persons who have not sought medical advice and does not actually needed in the application of such preparations. In the future, these recipes were implemented them in pharmacies and on their basis the issued drugs. In the actions of the doctor set for 31 the fact of forgery of official documents giving the right to receive such drugs, among the names of the "patients" were relatives and friends of the accused. As it became known, doctor registered with the psychiatrist is not registered. These violations in the actions of an official health institutions were identified by the Prosecutor of the city of Dalnegorsk when checking the execution of the legislation in the sphere of turnover of narcotic drugs in КГБУЗ «Дальнегорская Central city hospital». Materials of the Prosecutor's investigation and served as the basis for excitation of criminal case against the doctor. As reported by the RIA “VladNews” Elena Telegina, senior assistant Prosecutor of Primorsky Krai, June 202013 Prosecutor's office, Dalnegorsk this criminal case is sent to court for consideration on the merits. As reported by unofficial sources, кадеиносодержащие drugs are used for the production of such a substance as desomorphine, which, in certain circles known as the "crocodile". Long-term use desomorphine leads to serious irreversible and serious consequences.
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