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Today, June 21 police canine service notes

Today, June 21 police canine service notes Today, June 21 police canine service notes 107 anniversary. Thanks to professionalism of employees of the dog training Center of the regional Department of the MIA and their four-legged pupils Primorsky the police are able to detain criminals, and disclose crimes. After all, despite technical progress, development of technologies for the service dog remains indispensable and demand. Daily police officers and their pupils participate in solving crimes, are detained for dangerous offenders, patrol the streets. Unique abilities dog allow them to deal with problems that not beyond human. Sometimes, only using the handlers you can find carefully hidden drugs or explosives. Seaside cynologists with their Pets repeatedly sent on official travel in the North Caucasus region and have a reputation of high class professionals. In November 2011 opened a new advanced dog training Centre. Today, for the four-legged Pets Center created perfect conditions, which were the envy of many such institutions in Russia. In the new kennel there were ultra-modern equipment of the clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of dogs. Operating pet equipped with digital ultrasonic apparatus and surgical tables with remote control. And in postoperative aviary debugged system «warm floor». One of the most interesting services police for many years the head of police Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Bogdanov. Each employee for him as a member of the family, and even dogs and did as children. This is for criminals, police dogs relentless and terrible, and for teachers, they are very kind, sympathetic and faithful friends, reliable partners. Management and personnel of the MIA of Russia for the Primorsky Krai congratulate the employees of the Centre of service dog breeding with professional holiday and wish understanding with their pupils and success in the service.

Press service of MIA of Russia for the Primorsky Krai

Опубликовано:   21-06-2013, 13:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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