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A criminal case worthy of adaptation of Quentin Tarantino,

A criminal case worthy of adaptation of Quentin Tarantino, A criminal case worthy of adaptation of Quentin Tarantino, is finishing in the Primorskii regional court. Addicts who were owed a large sum of money to his supplier of drugs, wanted to kill him and burn along with the machine. «Vessel» saved from death only a chain of coincidences. As we learn the correspondent of RIA «VladNews», three drug addicts living in the city of Vladivostok in December 2011 realized just and unpleasant fact: constantly receiving from his supplier drugs on credit, they have accumulated big debts and turned out to be bankrupt. Then they developed a simple plan: the distributor on the car somewhere lure, kill, money and values, take it, and burn machine. Originally they all went according to plan: once in the car to your lender, they are under the false pretext asked to drive them in Russian to his friend. The car stopped and they attacked their prey. However, most Russian kill «vessel» failed: given two strokes, each of which could prove to be fatal in the neck and in the belly, a man not only managed to jump out of the car, but to run to the store, where he asked for help. Realizing that their plan to murder broke, all three drove to the victim machine. Valuables from the car was stolen, and the vehicle itself doused with gasoline and burned. Apparently, they still hoped that they will not find. Next, in case there was another partner. More precisely, соучастница, the girl of 27 years. They asked her to wash their clothes, перемазанную blood and throw a knife, with which they attacked. The girl did this request. However, all this did not help them. Within a short time they were established and detained by police. Members of the investigative division of the SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai were charged. Two immediate participants of the attack were accused of committing crimes under Art. 30 part 3 item 105 part 2 (murder attempt), 167 (p.2) and 162 (p.4). Third participant of the crime charged under Art. 167 part 2 (intentional destruction or damage of property) and 316 of the criminal code (concealment of crime). The girl also charged under Art. 316 of the criminal code. Senior assistant SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai Aurora Roman confirmed that a criminal case really was investigated in Primorye by the local investigative Committee. From themselves we will add, that in the event of conviction, at least two of the direct participants of the attack have to go to jail 12-15 years. They will have enough time to get rid of drug addiction

Ivan Harsh, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   21-06-2013, 13:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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