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Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business.

Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. The program of financing of own business «Business-Start» allows entrepreneurs without experience, entrepreneurship start their business on a reliable and successful franchise. Thus, on 14 June credit means of the Bank in Vladivostok on Ul. Дальзаводской 1 club opened lung fitness for women SlimClub. Today this international network wellness Studio consists of more than 100 clubs in Russia and the CIS. The program is aimed at correction of figure and represents an easy fitness with a special wellness-equipment, which is based on вибромассаже, vacuum massage, electrical stimulation of muscles, infrared thermal effects on the skin and subcutaneous fat, pressure therapy. - Today many people want to start their own business but do not know how to manage it, first of all - due to the lack of initial capital and business experience, - says the head of sales for corporate clients of Primorsky branch of the OJSC «Sberbank of Russia» Andrey Беднарский. - Unique credit product «Business-Start» gives an opportunity any inhabitant of the Primorsky territory start their own business with the support of the country's leading Bank and successful franchisors, and get a loan can both company and individual entrepreneurs. According to the terms of the program «Business-Start», entrepreneurs planning to start their business from scratch can get money on the acquisition of the franchise successful companies. Terms of the loan allows young entrepreneurs to get to 3 million rubles for up to 3.5 years. Credit is granted in the amount of up to 80% of the total project funding. Your business can be started in different spheres: retail brand clothes, fast food restaurants, children's center, a beauty salon, a fitness center, a real estate Agency, Laundry, car wash. With a full package of conditions can be found on the website of Sberbank of Russia http://www.sberbank.ru/primorskykrai/ru/s_m_business/credits/bus_start/. You can apply on the website of the Bank. Credit can be obtained and individual entrepreneurs, and limited liability companies, the main condition is the absence of ongoing business activities during the last 90 calendar days. Uniqueness of the project «Business-Start» is that issuing a credit to the borrower, the Bank of aiding and newborn business. First of all, mandatory condition for receiving financing in the direction of «Business-Start» is the passing of a potential borrower free multimedia training on the topic «Basics of entrepreneurship activity». Then the entrepreneur has access to the multifunctional educational Internet-portal «Business environment» (www.dasreda.ru), which allows to raise their qualifications at all stages of doing business in any convenient time. In addition, there is a borrower of numerous non-financial services business development Centres (consultancy, participation in seminars and round tables with the participation of the partners of Sberbank. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business. Sberbank pays special attention to development of small business.

Опубликовано:   19-06-2013, 13:32      |      Категория:  eng news

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