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The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev together with the residents

The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev together with the residents The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, together with the residents of accepted works on asphalting the adjacent territories and installing a Playground for the Russian street, 35. The mayor and the tenants were satisfied with the quality of the executed works. In February of this year, Igor Pushkarev put specialists problem fully equip dozens of yards Vladivostok. Under favorable temperature contractors begun to fulfill the set tasks of the Russian street, 35 where the residents of more than 10 years walked on the bumpy road. Now, there are new curbs and laid new roadway, restored the asphalt pavement on the clothesline site and equipped Parking pocket for hire. In addition, young residents of the house appeared a modern children Playground, which is divided into three zones for the security of the guys on the first - installed the game equipment for little children : sandpit, swing-rocker and the roundabout, on the second zone is a large play ground with slide and sport items for older children, and on the third - sports equipment. Also provided and installation of new benches now rest inhabitants of the older generation. The main task, put by the head of Vladivostok Igor Пушкаревым before experts - children's playgrounds and sports complexes should be, above all, safe, durable, beautiful and quality assurance. That is why the carousel, sandbox, playgrounds and sports equipment procured from Russian manufacturer and has been installed in accordance with all technical regulations. «The work by the contractor together with the residents of the house, who actively participated in the quality control of execution of works, - noted the Igor Pushkarev. - This is the first of 30 households, where this year a comprehensive repair with the installation of the Playground, which have already chosen by the children home № 35 on Russian, but also a whole microdistrict. Now the main task of residents ' care». After the acceptance of works for the children of the neighborhood was arranged a real holiday: leading in a suit and spider-man puppets for a fun music organized for the children a fun contests with the award sweet gifts. With good mood of the guests of the festival were released balloons in the sky, enjoying my beautiful renewed by the court.

Опубликовано:   18-06-2013, 18:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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