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Primorets could not go on vacation because of debt on utility bills

A resident of Maritime planning to go on vacation in Europe, but in Moscow he got a nasty surprise.

Primorets could not go on vacation because of debt on utility bills

Debts can disrupt vacation plans

Because of the debts for utility payments man did not go abroad, and the family went to rest without a head.

Enforcement proceedings against the debtor was initiated three years ago - a man owed a large sum in favor of CBM MREU number 2 district them. Lazo.

All calls man ignored the officers could not find him and the community. In March of this year, the bailiff decided to take the legal right and ordered a temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from Russia.

Debtor was lucky - the request to pay the debt responded relatives of Spassky, the restriction was lifted at checkout.

Since the beginning of this year in the Maritime region made nearly four and a half thousand of these regulations. The total debt amounts to 1 billion 391 million 995 thousand rubles.

The majority of these debts on loans - 1183 -1143 child support, utility payments - 991 in favor of individuals -707.

In 247 cases, the debtors promptly repaid the debt for a total of 29 million 374 thousand rubles - VestiRegion.ru reported press service of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia Primorsky Krai.

Primorets could not go on vacation because of debt on utility bills

Опубликовано:   18-06-2013, 18:31      |      Категория:  eng news

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