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In Nakhodka motorcyclist died

In the duty of the traffic police in Nakhodka, it was reported that, at the entrance to the city from the junction of Wrangell - Nakhodka car accident occurred. 49-year-old motorcyclist suffered serious injuries.

In Nakhodka motorcyclist died

In Nakhodka motorcyclist died

Police determined that the driver of the motorcycle, "Kawasaki" lost control, drove to the "oncoming" and collided with a Toyota Carina.

Doctors 'ER' victim was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the central city hospital. A man has a hip fracture and separation of the right foot. Injuries that are incompatible with life, the motorcyclist died without regaining consciousness.

In fact the fatal crash police are checking. Circumstances set accidents .

In Nakhodka motorcyclist died

Опубликовано:   18-06-2013, 18:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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