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Yesterday, on June 17 late in the evening in the duty of the Department

Yesterday, on June 17 late in the evening in the duty of the Department Yesterday, on June 17 late in the evening in the duty of the Department of the interior Ministry of Russia Хасанскому district received a telephone message guard Scientific and production Department of mariculture far Eastern fishery University, based in the village of Slavyanka. As reported by the RIA «VladNews press Secretary of the OMVD Russia's Хасанскому district Daria Леурда, according to the applicant, in a Bay of the North on the protected site, unidentified persons made fishing seafood. At the scene immediately went investigative group consisting of employees of criminal investigation, the investigator and the district Commissioner. Police officers found in the Bay of two poachers engaged in illegal fishing a trepang. During the trial it turned out that valuable biological resources harvested locals 1969 and 1975 birth. In grids catchers «sea cucumber» police officers counted 263 still-living individuals. All trepang after recalculation was released into their natural habitat. Now concerning suspects criminal case is raised.

Опубликовано:   18-06-2013, 14:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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