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At the meeting of the Committee on budget, taxes and Finance

At the meeting of the Committee on budget, taxes and Finance At the meeting of the Committee on budget, taxes and Finance at the Vladivostok city Duma deputies considered the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation when placing of advertising structures on the territory of the Vladivostok city district. This issue was considered in connection with the appeal of the leadership of the road police of Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai. According to the road police on the street-road network of the city is a large number of advertising designs that do not meet the standards of road safety. Terms of validity of permits for the installation of many of them have expired and not been renewed the road police. All these advertising constructions represent a potential danger to road users. In the discussion participated representatives of the city administration, including management of town planning and architecture, Department on regulation of advertising activity. They told about what was being done to bring the advertising constructions in compliance with the requirements of standards for road safety; the measures taken against unscrupulous advertisement distributors. «At present the current legislation to take effective measures to restore order in this sphere. If earlier dismantle advertising construction was only by a court decision, and it's a long process, it is now possible to extrajudicially dismantling installed illegally or with expired permits and advertising structures. Significantly increased the amount of the fine for such violations, now it ranges from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. In addition, until 1 January 2014 the city administration must determine the point of advertising constructions with account of the new GOST. New places for placing of advertising structures will then be auctioned, - told the Chairman of Committee on budget, taxes and Finance at the Vladivostok city Duma Vladimir Isakov. Currently 80 per cent of advertising structures, installed in the Central part of the city, do not meet the new standards. But now the administration of the city has all the levers of influence to restore order in this sphere,» he concluded. At the Committee meeting, the deputies adopted a decision to establish a working group, which together with the city administration will take part in the development of the scheme of placing of advertising structures. Also at session of Committee on budget, taxes and Finance deputies considered the draft municipal legal act On amending the Annex to the decision at the Vladivostok city Duma from 28102005 no 108 «On land tax in the city of Vladivostok», submitted by the city administration. The project envisages establishment of the lowered rates of the land tax of 0.3% and 0.6% for organizations that implement priority investment projects on the territory of the Vladivostok city district. According to the developers, land tax benefit will allow the organizations and individual entrepreneurs who implement new production projects on the territory of the Vladivostok city district, maximise investment and finish the implementation of these projects as soon as possible. Chairman of the Committee on budget, taxes and Finance Vladimir Isakov believes that this is a very important project for development of business. «Of course, we will maintain privileges for the land tax. Reduction of the rate of the land tax will stimulate the innovative and investment activities, development of companies, which positively reflected on the living standards of the population. But we want more closely to figure out who the concession will be granted, and which part, because often the manufacturing business and the ownership of land is divided,» said Vladimir Isakov. After the discussion the Committee decided to establish a working group, which comprehensively discuss this issue.

Опубликовано:   17-06-2013, 14:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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