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In the gallery of modern art «ARKA»

In the gallery of modern art «ARKA» In the gallery of modern art «ARKA» fairly often on the opening of the exhibition, for example - is going to all the color of the creative intelligentsia of Vladivostok. But this time the gallery met and artists, both masters and beginners, and designers, and gallery owners, Museum people They gathered to talk about how can creative industries, socio-cultural projects change the lives of Vladivostok as a whole and each of citizens; that it is necessary to make, that in our city was comfortable, and the creators and those who enjoy the works of art that came to us for so-called cultural tourism. But talk is not just so, and the contents of the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Пушкаревым. The theme of the meeting was broadly formulated: «Socio-cultural projects and their influence on development of Vladivostok». But creative intelligentsia never went to reason abstractly and беспредметно - times absurd dreams are gone. Concerned people, people with a burning soul and love to Vladivostok, artists, similar people for a long time already endured a lot of ideas and concepts, which, if you get to them, are not just useful for Vladivostok - they will change the city for the better - Socio-cultural project may become the most important component in the life of the city, make him famous, " said art Director of the Archи Yulia Klimko said. - A simple example is Cannes, where the film festival is held, who made this city famous all over the world. Call the San Remo, Jurmala Socio-cultural activities in the city can be a lot, and each one is in a position to attract the public, including tourists. Tourism sells the product, which is created by the people involved in the sphere of culture and art. This is very important. I would like to Vladivostok became a city where creative people could feel confident most needed. Julia Klimko offered regularly in Vladivostok art-fair of young artistsв to thus give impetus to the development of creative talent in the city and attract tourists. Artist Alexander Arsenenko reminded that in Vladivostok is regularly Biennale of visual arts alsoе and this project is also worth seriously. Perhaps fair could be incorporated into a Biennaleе thinking master Designer Zoya Липатниковаа Director of the creative Association Attic forever, thanked the administration of the city for granted for the Association premises and at the same time noted that the city is desperately short of what could be called артрезиденциямии places where artistsи designers can meetя to exhibit their work could come audience. And such артрезиденции should be placed not in the most remote places of the cityд and in the centerр and to the citizens was convenientн and tourists Alexander Городнийи Director of the Museum of modern art «Artetage», said 30 years ago dreamed of creating in Vladivostok art Museum where it will be widely presented modern art During that time, - said Alexander Городний, I gathered a huge collection of contemporary art, more than 1000 exhibits. Ready to the city as a whole - if it becomes the basis of the Museum of contemporary art, if it will be found worthy place. Today «Artetage», as part of the University, preparing for the move to the Russky island, where he and for objects of art is simply no decent place, I'm tired of viewing some cellarsы which I offer to house the Museum. While aliveв collection I will keep itю but what's nextе? That Vladivostok for the beginning is really a vital space in which artistsи designers can exhibit and sell their workы could freely exchange viewsи said many of those present. Elena Nikitinaа the artistа who heads the local branch of Alliance Francaiseз» noted that in Vladivostok can and want to come and French artists to live hereь to exchange creative ideas with colleagues And if the city were артрезиденциии fell off by itself, a lot of questions the Artist Yevgeny Yefremov told about his dreamт to Vladivostok became a tradition not just financially encouraged by results of the year the best students of the art schoolщ but reward them creativeм educational trips to large cultural centers of Russia and Europe. These visits give a huge creative impulse for the young artists And about the problems with shopsм and many other things talked hotк sincerely - artistsк designers But all agreed on one thingо in Vladivostok has everything you need to city became the center of boiling art projectsт the center for practicing And if for the implementation of these ideas will take together artists and powerс there be no obstacle - We initiated this meetingе " saidз summing up the resultsо Igor Pushkarevр because this is really needed. We want to hear your suggestionsн because you know betterн that we must do to live betterч more comfortableн good was happening and did not want to leave What about артрезиденций. We have a lot of premises provided by public organizationsц is sure that the questions that you raisedч too, will be able to solve. If to speak about construction of a large Museum of modern artс then Yesо we can build it. Who does not believe - look what became the cityо and rememberн as it was five years ago. I myself was not believed in the possibility of such changesе but the eyes fearя the hands do." The most important thing is the spirit of the city. I want to Vladivostok was eternal city. In the eternal cities there is an energyр live art and culture. And people from them will not leave. Because people do not live there where there are plants that processы and where there is creativityе there is the spiritь And if he goes out of townо people go away too. Today we prepare the budget for the next year. It is our and your money with your tips we can spread most efficiently. Yesо all will not sufficeв but give us the priority areas that are currently the most important thingв We will be doing everything to keep in the city of talented youth to give the opportunity to comfortably do those already held as a creative personality. In Адмиральском Park we will do gallery - do. Yesм it would be a small place there allows размахнутьсяу but for the Museum can find another place just recently I had a conversation with the investors who bought the building of the famous тfridgeьн near the railway and the administration of the province. They have a desire to do there gallery. Privateс but nevertheless. We have a plan for reconstruction in the centre of the city. Make under the square of the Fighters for Soviet power is a large Parking area and staircase to the landing pierи to cut off from above the railway line and to the old water tower and the pedestrian zone. Soч for exampleр citizens arriving on coastal boatsт or passengers of cruise ships could immediately with the shipр so to sayа get on the ball And this is not a fairy taleк this is a real plan and we will make it. But and municipal museumsм galleries, too, must existо that it was youн artistsж designersй can decide who is to be exhibited and when. And if we have both private and municipal museumsм art galleryл this will attract tourists to usи and keep people here. Vladivostok can and should be culturalу educational centerн and he will attract more investmentт will become the city from which you never want to leave City that has a good perspectiveк

Department of the information of the newspaper зVladivostokо

Опубликовано:   14-06-2013, 12:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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