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The customs office in the Maritime region detained a car imported to the deceased person

Transport Prosecutor's Office, the audit found that in February this year at the customs office at Vladivostok was decorated car «MAZDA AXELA», imported by a resident of the capital of Maritime .

The customs office in the Maritime region detained a car imported to the deceased person

Car imported to the deceased person

As the documents confirming the representative's authority to file a declaration submitted to the customs agency contract for the customs clearance of goods, concluded on behalf of a citizen in 2013.

All anything, however, it was found that the potential foreign car owner died in February 2011.
The scheme enterprising businessmen used to understate customs duties.

According to this criminal case, conducted a preliminary investigation - said the press service of the VestiRegion.ru DVTP.

The customs office in the Maritime region detained a car imported to the deceased person

Опубликовано:   14-06-2013, 11:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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