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If a few years ago all sorts of chinchilla

If a few years ago all sorts of chinchilla If a few years ago all sorts of chinchillas and ferrets as Pets were a rarity, now they will surprise nobody. But a Fox in a city apartment - real exotic. Homemade Fox turning out to be there. For example, in Novosibirsk in 1959 the Institute of Cytology and genetics experiments were conducted in the course of which were withdrawn manual cheat. The apartment Novel and Valeria lives manual Fox, only they took it from the forest, and parents of red pet - wild. Of course, the guy with the girl walked especially amongst the pines and oaks, looking for yourself red-headed animal, the owners of the foxes, they began by accident. In the beginning of may in Khabarovsk hosted the festival of historical reconstruction «Sword of the East». In the forest near the children camp, which was organized this event, ran young foxes, which from afar watched their mother. She was afraid of people, and the kids confidently walked up to the man. Guys, out of ignorance - one animal patted taken on hands and let them go. And after several days saw a lonely running Fox to his mother not accepted back into the flock. We felt sorry for him, and we decided to take the Fox to himself, - said Valeriy. - Of course, if we knew that the mother will not accept him back, in any case would not ironed. It is clear that he is better in the forest. Well, that the festival was full of different people: one of them Fox, and he told us how to care for these animals. And also shared a cunning: if you want a Fox sat without moving, you put him on the nose sock. Returning to Vladivostok, immediately began to search the Internet for information about the content of the Fox. And the next day we went to the vet - puppy was then a month and a half. The physician examined our ward, mind, discharged pills from worms. And the rest of the animal was healthy and surprisingly clean - if you consider the fact that we took it from the forest. When he reaches the age of three months and make a first vaccination. Fox guys called Vuk - in honor of the cartoon fellow. In the apartment, he was assigned to place on the balcony, but most often red sleeps together with the hosts. Taught him to the tray, but if the weather allows, you are walking on the street. However, going out with Vuk onto hard - a Fox in the city of wonder. Almost every passer-by fits and be sure to ask: «are you the Fox?» or «is the real one?». Indeed, while we Valeria about a half an hour conversation in the Park of Victory, to us twice came Pat Vuka and take a picture with him. Most of all лисенку goes from children: they followed him running around, and wook is afraid of them and hides in the bushes. It's funny, but when with Fox walk on a leash, he feels the main and drags owners, where he pleases. And if you want to go with him to the other side, then rests. But once you release a «free floating» - will not leave from Valerie and Romana. - However, a couple of times wook escaped from us. We are very scared, but it turned out that he just wanted a drink and ran to the water, " recalls Valeria. - In General, Vuk we have a very smart, responds by name, identifies us with Roma. But to me, the more he perceives as a fellow playing with me, but if I scold him, not react. But if Roma will punish him, immediately obey. He is very playful and loves balls, sticks. The house on the floor and couch leave nothing - everything will be spoiled and изгрызено. Somehow I forgot on the couch jacket - now on the back sweatshirts neat round hole. And the other day he spoiled keyboard Loves шкодить, sometimes does not give sleep licks, nibbles heel. If you approach him when he eats starts фырчать - protects your food. In a month and a half wook weighed 750 grams, now - twice more. Adult foxes grow to a size of the average dog. And they behaved like, and amenable to training. Live fluffy animals up to 10 years. However, in the wild young foxes are often killed more puppies. And males in General century short - 2-3 years. In their habitat wild foxes feed mostly on carrion. But Vuku porridge is cooked with meat, which he, of course, love. Born young foxes gray, but gradually change the color. So every day wook becoming rustier and rustier. Many breeders keep foxes in large cages. Valery Roma against such restrictions on freedom of your pet. So they plan to either move into a private house, or until just warmed balcony. By the way, in 2011 on the territory of Russia and started selling the home foxes bred in the course of the experiment the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and genetics. There is one such individual is 30 thousand rubles. These foxes good attitude to the person genetically fixed. In the behavior they are close to home dog, but remain as independent as cats.

Karina Pozdnyak, the newspaper «Vladivostok»

Опубликовано:   12-06-2013, 22:01      |      Категория:  eng news

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