In the framework of the operation, traffic police officers will visit all without
In the framework of the operation, traffic police officers will visit all without exception, kindergartens, and then and summer camps to once again remind the guys bases of safe behavior on the road. Summer holidays students forget about the basic rules of safe behaviour on the roads, ignore traffic rules. Most often, parental control in this period of weakening, the baby during the day left to myself. Specialists state: in the summer, traditionally increases the number of accidents involving children. From the beginning of year in the territory, Vladivostok happened already 38 of road accidents with participation of minors, in which 39 children were injured, 2 children were killed. Very often accidents are caused by the children themselves. Traffic police on, Vladivostok remind parents of schoolchildren, that you must constantly monitor the leisure of his sons and daughters, to teach them to behave safely on the road, as well as its own positive example to demonstrate the necessity of observance of rules of traffic. Often, the parents themselves violate the rules on the eyes of their children, and sometimes they are moved to the transition of the carriageway at an undisclosed location. Thus, on June 10 of about 1115 hours in house 7 «and» on the street the Volgograd region, the driver of a motor vehicle «Mitsubishi Montero», moving from Postysheva street in the direction of St. Tukhachevskogo, has hit a 15-year-old girl-a pedestrian. Underage passed roadway from left to right on a course of movement of the vehicle, at an undisclosed location. To provide qualified medical assistance to the injured delivered ambulance crews in the municipal clinical hospital # 2 Vladivostok. On the fact of road accident in the traffic police at, Vladivostok assigned administrative investigation, which would result in a degree of the severity of injuries incurred, and wines driver. Госавтоинспекторы carry out checks aimed at revealing of infringements of rules of traffic by the child. If the fact will be confirmed in respect of a teenage offender will be a submission to the Commission on juvenile Affairs administration, Vladivostok. Traffic police in the Primorsky region in the framework of the all-Russian carry out preventive operation «Attention - children!». Its main goal is to prevent traffic accidents involving minors road users. In the framework of the operation, traffic police officers will visit all without exception, kindergartens, and then and summer camps to once again remind the guys bases of safe behavior on the road. In places of recreation of children during the summer, will be on duty for more outfits traffic police, accompanied by machines dps will be implemented all the transport of children, in order to fully ensure their safety. Once again turning to drivers with a request to be more attentive and careful, especially in the locations of childcare facilities and recreation areas.
The group " propaganda " ABOUT GIBDD MVD of Russia, Vladivostok
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