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As the press-service of administration of Primorsky

As the press-service of administration of Primorsky As the press-service of the Primorsky territory administration, the Governor of Primorsky yesterday, June 10 signed the order about appointment of Alexander Передни Director of the Department of fisheries of the Primorsky хозяйства.С today Alyaksandr perednia officially took office. Let's remind, the previous Director of the Department of fisheries of the Primorsky region Aleksey Tsymbal was dismissed head of the region in February 2013. All this time the acting Director of the Department performed Sergey Насташев. It should be recalled that since the end of 2012 after the initiation of criminal proceedings on the fact of violations during the crab auctions, the question about the new head of Primorye fisheries stood very sharply. The candidature of Alexander Передни as a possible head of the «fish» Department has been announced in the beginning of year. Alexander Alexandrovich perednia was born in 1966 in Vladivostok. In 1988 graduated from the faculty of mechanical engineering ДВПИ them. Kuibyshev (FESTU). Several years worked at the Department of physical metallurgy. In 2001 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of biological Sciences. From 1990 to 1992 he worked in the tax office of the Leninskiy district of Vladivostok as a chief inspector and then head of the Department of taxation of profits of state enterprises and joint ventures. In 1992 Alexander perednia was appointed financial Director of AOZT «Fishing collective farm «Vostok-1». After four years, was elected Chairman of the Board of CJSC «Fishing collective farm «Vostok-1». From 2006 to 2011 Alexander Alexandrovich - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai. From 2011 to 2013 - General Director (Chairman of the Board) ZAO RK «Vostok-1».

Опубликовано:   11-06-2013, 17:30      |      Категория:  eng news

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