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A criminal case on rare for Primorye article 177

A criminal case on rare for Primorye article 177 A criminal case on rare for Primorye article 177 of the criminal code (evasion from payment of accounts payable) is finishing in court Shkotovsky district. Defendant - 55-year old pensioner, former chief accountant of the fishing collective farm «First of may» from Shkotovsky district, is accused willfully evaded the payment of 11 million loan. This story could be significant and instructive for those acquaintances, friends or relatives ask to become a guarantor on the loan. Becoming a guarantor, you run the risk of getting problems for the next 7 years and get in addition to this conviction by a little-known but still unpleasant article of the criminal code. As the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» in the press-service of management of Federal bailiff service in the Primorsky territory, it started in 2006 when рыбколхоз «First of May», which was located in the city of Bellingham, received a loan from Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 11 million. Since the loan was quite impressive, the Bank demanded guarantees. And then the guarantor on the loan became a natural person - the chief accountant of the company, Alexander K., which at that time was 48 years. A year and a half of rybkolhoza faced financial problems and when the Director of the company realized that the loan return is not succeed, he fled in an unknown direction. It should be noted that the Director is still not found, and the рыбколхоз «First of May» soon after declared bankruptcy and self-destruct. However remained Alexander K. on which the Bank filed a claim in Shkotovsky district court with a demand to recover the full amount, because under the contract, the guarantor was solely liable. The court considered the arguments of the parties decided - Alexander K. should repay the Bank the whole amount. If to be precise, to the end, the ex-chief accountant rybkolhoza was should Rosselkhozbank 11 million 958 thousand 290 RUR writ for reimbursement of this amount was transferred to Alexander K. in 2008 but at that time it was considered the unemployed and to reimburse this amount could not. For a number of years (20102011 and 2012 the court bailiffs tried to recover from the women of this amount. But it didn't work, because she claimed that no income is not. Subsequently, the bailiffs set - really-income ladies were just aren advertise a: in less than five years (2007 to 2012) of its total income from formal work and part-time amounted to over 700 thousand rubles. But she didn't even try anything to compensate. Even after reaching the retirement age in the autumn of 2012 addressed to the RF Pension Fund at the place of residence to stand on a pension account and receive payment. In the end, patience bailiffs over. And they were filed against ex-chief accountant rybkolhoza «First of May» a criminal case on the very rare 177 th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Features characterizing the crime were evident: income is, and compensation of the loss is not. By the way, that may be subject to criminal sanctions, Alexander K. employees of the Federal bailiff service said repeatedly, for several years. And in 2010 and in 2011 and in 2012-m's. But then it had no effect on it, no action later, when a criminal case was embodied reality, the woman sold part of its property and compensate the Bank to 4 million rubles. From available surpluses on it 11. From criminal liability, this measure is not saved and the problem in General, problem not solved. Because today Alexander K. income has left 7 million roubles it will pay off monthly giving of the pension is 25% of the bailiffs. It is clear that a pensioner will be always owes to the Bank, because the size of the loan and the amount of pension is incomparable Plus, the court could sentence her to a fine, conditional or real term of punishment in the framework of the criminal case on an item 177 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation. It should also be noted that the trial of the century 177 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation started in November 2012 and some times of the meeting it was postponed And agree that there is nothing worse protracted trouble and obscurity. In this case it is difficult to Express employees UFSSP any claims of all their troubles Alexander K. I blame. It went to his financial collapse since 2006 when agreed to become the guarantor of a 11-million loan. This story may be instructive for those who are kindly requested to become a guarantor for the «salvation of the native enterprise. Usually the victim suggests that it is no unpleasant consequences are not threatened. And if that, they say, it can be nothing to give, «nothing.» Will be. And quite seriously. Therefore, before giving his consent to the guarantee on the loan, 100 times think. Whether the guarantee of trouble, shame and unnecessary communication with the bailiffs. And let history Alexandra K. will be for you a stranger sad experience. Because in this situation, the bailiffs are just doing entrusted to them by the state work. Nothing personal

Alexander Огневский, RIA «VladNews»

Опубликовано:   11-06-2013, 12:47      |      Категория:  eng news

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