Today, 11 June, the weather conditions in Primorye defines
Today, 11 June, the weather conditions in Primorye defines the field of high pressure. In the region mainly without precipitation, on the coast of the fog. Southern wind of умеренный.Температура air 1332 C. In Vladivostok cloudy in the morning drizzle. Fog, slackening in серердине day. Southeast wind умеренный.Температура air 1315 C, in the suburbs of up to 20. The temperature of water in the Amur Bay +15 OC C. radiation Level 10 MKR/hour. B Ussuriisk, partly cloudy weather, no precipitations. Southern wind of the South-Western moderate. Air temperature 2224 C. In Nakhodka, cloudy weather with clearings day weather without precipitation, morning fog. Wind South, South-East moderate. Air temperature is 1719 degrees C background Weather in Vladivostok for long-term series of observations (1917-2012 biennium) 11 June was warm. Maximum air temperature plus 27.8 OC was observed 1944. The minimum temperature in 1931 was plus 5.3 OC. Over the entire observation period rain was observed in 67 fog - 57 storm - in 6 cases. The largest amount of rainfall per day (81 mm) fell in 1931. The maximum wind speed (gusts 24 m/s) was registered in 19311974.
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