New stadiums and sports grounds built in Vladivostok
New stadiums and sports grounds built in Vladivostok near schools№№ 661148 5677 and near the Technical Lyceum. Construction is at different stages of the mostly go excavation and grading. New sport facilities will be built on the most modern standards artificial turf meets the FIFA standards, rubberized courts for basketball and volleyball, gym facilities, Jogging track, covered stands, warm locker rooms. We remind, that this year on the territory of Primorye capital will be built and opened 10 modern stadiums and sports grounds. The head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev ordered to do they could not only schoolchildren but also residents of the microdistrict. Happy owners of new sports facilities will be schools№№ 114853 565966 774728 and Technical Lyceum. «I want the sport has become firmly established in life vladivostoktsev, - said Igor Pushkarev. - For the last 15 years we have built new stadiums and sports grounds, resulted in the order of more than 70 hockey boxes and will continue this work. Good stadium or sports ground should appear near each school, Vladivostok».
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