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As reported by the correspondent of RIA «VladNews»

As reported by the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» As reported by the correspondent of RIA «VladNews» senior assistant SU TFR for the Primorsky Krai Aurora Roman, the investigating authorities completed the investigation of the criminal case against a local resident, born in 1984. He is accused of committing a crime under'clock 2 item 146 of the criminal code (violation of copyright). According to the investigation, in July 2012 the accused has acquired from an unidentified person almost 1400 DVD to audiovisual works, holders of which are such companies as LLC «Twentieth Century Fox CIS», LLC «Walt Disney Company CIS LLC, SG digital» and others. Drives purchased them without execution of the corresponding agreement, with the purpose of sale at a profit. Counterfeit products are stored and implemented in shopping pavilion on the Avenue of the red banner in the city of Vladivostok. In the course of a search of all counterfeit goods seized. According to the results of examination it is established that drives with copies of audiovisual works do not meet the requirements of the law. The total damage from illegal actions of the accused was in excess of 150 thousand rubles. Consequence gather enough evidence base in connection with which the criminal case with approved the bill of indictment was submitted to the court for consideration on the merits. The crime was revealed by employees of Department on combating economic crimes and anti-corruption, Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for the Primorsky Krai. Editorial note however, that «pirate» business in the part of trade on another's intellectual property (sale of illegal copies of films, duplicating cracked software and games) in the majority remains without serious punishment. Literally 2 months ago in Nakhodka city court trial of a citizen, convicted on two 146 articles of the criminal code ended with the termination of the proceedings in connection with active repentance and reconciliation of the parties: «pirate» just paid to the right holder damages. Grounds for termination of the criminal case is not rehabilitation, but also serious punishment the defendant has not suffered. If so, the «pirate» business can be considered the «indelible».

Ivan Severe

Опубликовано:   11-06-2013, 12:46      |      Категория:  eng news

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